A reintroduction and reframing of some concepts that will be helpful for PChem and QChem
Physical Chemistry courses can be quite intimidating for a variety of reasons. One of those reasons is that there are skills that are quite useful in Phyiscal Chemistry that are not so often used in, say, Organic Chemistry. The goal of this website is to help provide a one-stop-shop to review and reference material related to those skills.
We’ve subdivided the resources on this website into three different categories: math, code, and chem.
On the math page, you’ll find descriptions of the math skills needed for Physical Chemistry as you may have seen them in Math 118, 121, 215, or 216. You will also find links to youtube videos or other resources where you can review and refresh your memory.
On the code page, you’ll find python and mathematica notebooks containing sample solutions to a wide variety of book problems from Molecular Thermodynamics by McQuarrie and Simon. You will also find a pair of introductory notebooks to help acclimate you to using these coding languages for your homework.
Finally, on the chem page, you’ll find review material meant to remind you what you learned in Chem 112/114 and resources to refresh your memory.
Glad to see you on this page, and I’m excited to see you this fall!
This website was developed by the Daly research group at Haverford in Summer 2022. Thanks to Rowan Goudy ‘23, Logan Smith ‘23, Lisette Pham ‘23, Ethan Silva ‘25, Marie Nikolov ‘23, Theresa Haupt ‘24, Samantha Gonzalez ‘25, and Dr. Kristy Streu!